Monday, January 14, 2013


This chapter explains about: background of study, problem of the study, object of study, significance of the study, scope of the study, and definition of key terms.

1.1  Background of the Study
Literature is one of human creation, as a written text based on the fact. This is implied that literature is come from   reality. Literature is a medium of cultural society   which has the destiny of human life such as their problem, conflict and struggle of life.  It represented   the story of reality in human thoughts, feeling, behavior and attitudes originality through the imagination and concrete situation. According to Griffith (1982:1) Literature gives pleasure, it has a certain magic that transport us from the real world to seemingly more remote and enjoyable place. People who read literature will get enjoyment because it gives information, knowledge and experience about human daily life.
In line with the statement above the literature became a historical mentality of peculiar perspective. It also spread out the philosophy, idea, memory, notion and point of view in cultural construction of reality. Thus literature is presented and reported story as the skeleton of evidence from the author’s mind to the reader.
Novel is part of the literature.  It is as the representative of human condition against the effort to reach the purpose of living perfectness. In other words, literature is a context of hooping ideology, when   the author shows the idea through the characters and figure in     the text the social reality in that decade.
In this research, the writer would like to present the politeness strategy on the novel of Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens. Politeness is the expression of the speakers’ intention to mitigate face threats carried by certain face threatening acts toward another (Mills, 2003, p. 6). Being polite therefore consists of attempting to save face for another. Politeness theory states that some speech acts threaten others’ face needs. Politeness principles have been considered to have wide descriptive power in respect of language use (Lakoff, 1972, 1973).
It is added by Brown & Levinson (1978, 1987) that language has a social function as a tool to make connection between human beings. Without language, it seems impossible for people to interact with other in daily life because language can express people’s feeling, willing, option etc (Chaer and Agustina, 1995:19) In short; language is the oral symbols that represent meaning as they are related to real life situation. In case of communication, the speaker will choose the strategies to have polite conversation. People use politeness strategies in order to get their conversation run well and go smoothly. Brown and Levinson also state that:
Politeness strategies are developed in order to save the hearers' "face." Face refers to the respect that an individual has for him or herself, and maintaining that "self-esteem" in public or in private situations. Usually you try to avoid embarrassing the other person, or making them feel uncomfortable. Face Threatening Acts (FTA's) are acts that infringe on the hearers' need to maintain his/her self esteem, and be respected.(1978, in Grundy, 2000: 156)
Thus, politeness strategies are developed in order to formulate messages in order to save the hearer’s face when face threatening acts are inevitable or desired. This means that the speaker avoids embarrassing the listener or making him feels uncomfortable. (http:// www. Free Wikipedia. Politeness.Com)
In order to create a comfortable and polite conversation, a speakers use strategies called “politeness strategy “. It is used to make conversation goes on well smoothly. Brown and Levinson (in Goody, 1996: 2) state that one recognizes what people are doing in verbal exchange (e.g Requesting, offering, criticizing) not so much by what they overtly claim to be doing as in the fine linguistic detail of their utterance. Although, speaking politeness shows the feeling of speakers. 
Face needs are thought of as the desire to be appreciated and protected.
Face is further broken down into two different categories: positive and negative face. Positive face is the desire to be liked and appreciated and designed to meet the face needs by performing an action like complimenting or showing concern for another person. Negative face is the desire to be autonomous and not to infringe on the other person. Negative politeness is designed to protect the other person when negative face needs are threatened. Thus there are different strategies to handle face threatening acts and these strategies are put into a hierarchy of effectiveness. According to Grundy (2000:156), Brown and Levinson said that face comes in two varieties, positive face and negative face. Positive face is a person wish to be well thought of. Its manifestation may include the desire admired by others. Negative politeness is our wish not to be imposed on by others and to be allowed to go about our business unimpeded.
In the previous research, Mukarromah (2002) studies politeness used by the female and male broadcasters of Andika Lugas Swara (Andalus) FM Malang. The focus of this study is to find out the terms of politeness used by female and male broadcasters of Ajang Gaya Kata dan Kreasi (Agasi) program in Andika Lugas Swara (Andalus) FM radio station Malang. It is intended to know the terms or strategies they use in their two hours presentation. Yuli Fitriana (2007) from Islamic University of Malang studied the politeness strategy in John Grisham’s novel. Her research describes politeness strategies used in the dialogues of the characters in the novel. She explains that four strategies are applied by the portrayed characters in their dialogues in the novel.
It is very interesting to analyze the politeness strategy in the novel characters to have more views about human characteristic in detail especially through dialogues, gestures, face expression and setting of the novel.
Based on the explanation above the writer wants to analyze the politeness strategy in the main characters of Oliver Twist in Charles Dickens’ novel.  They are Nancy, Oliver, and Fagin (the Jewish person). The writer expects that there is a new impact from the analysis process in order to have a new knowledge in the term of politeness strategy.
1.2 Statement of problem
Based on the background above, the problems of this study are stated as follows:
1.      What is the main characters’ politeness strategy in Charles Dickens’s Novel “Oliver Twist”?
2.      In what occasion the politeness strategy is used by the main characters in Charles Dickens’s Novel “Oliver Twist”?
1.3. Purpose of the Study
Based on the statement of the problem above, the purpose of the study is:
1.      To know the main characters’ politeness strategy in Charles Dickens’s Novel “Oliver Twist”
2.      To know the main characters’ occasion of politeness strategy is used in Charles Dickens’s Novel “Oliver Twist”
1.4. Significance of Study
The result of this study is expected to be useful for the readers about the story of Oliver Twist, thus they may know the causes and the impact of politeness strategy in human life. The writer also hopes it can give contribution to the further researchers who want to conduct the similar term of study with different topic.
1.5. Scope and Limitation
In this study the researcher focuses on the main characters’ politeness strategy in the Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, prominently in the content area of daily conversation and occasion indeed, including the way of gestures and face expression.
1.6 Definition of the key term
In order to avoid misinterpretation among the readers of this research, the writer explains the definition of the key term below according to their meaning and contexts.
1.      Analysis is a description about the element that has purpose to comprehend the relationship between one element and others in supporting the meaning of literary work (Sudjiman, 1964: 4).
2.      Politeness strategies are communicative devices for redressing the treats inherent in verbal and nonverbal utterances (Brown and Levinson. 1978).
3.      Novel is along work of narrative prose fiction, because of its length; a novel can picture life with all of its richness, complexity, and contradiction. (MacMillan, 1987:491)
4.      The main Character is the major character that specializes plays the most rule of the story in the novel. They have capacity to run over the story whether its good or bad ending.
5.      Oliver twist (main character) is a young mild boy who was lived in the orphanage house for seven years before he start the unforgettable dangerous journey to find his destiny. He is the main character of   Dicken’s most popular novel.
This chapter presents the method which was used in the study. It discusses about the research design, research data and research sources, research instrument, data collection and data analysis.
3.1. Research Design
This study was designed to get information concerning the politeness strategies. This research uses the qualitative research because of some factors. Firstly the data gained utterances of the main character of Oliver Twist that take the form of words and sentences rather than numbers. Secondly the hypothesis is not formulated in the beginning of the research since the research merely describes the politeness used in the Oliver Twist novel. And this study was designed to get information concerning with the politeness phenomena. In this case, the study used the sociolinguistic approach since the researcher tried to study language phenomena that is politeness which is used by people in conversation. This study had examined the utterances of the Oliver’s dialogue by using Brown and Levinson theory.
3.2. Data Sources and Research
The source of this research is movie entitled “Oliver Twist because all conversation was obtained from novel. This Research obtained the data by watching and analyzing a novel, the data was the conversation or utterances which contained politeness strategies by Charles Dicken’s novel Oliver Twist.

3.3. Research Instrument
Research instrument is important to obtain the data of this study for it is a set of method which is used to collect the data. The researcher is the main instrument, because it is impossible to interview and investigate the data directly without interpreting the researcher herself.
3.5. Data Collection
In data collection, the researcher initially reading novel. Next step is selecting the utterance which part of the main character’s conversation that represents the politeness strategies of the novel. The next is reading the context and classifying the utterance into bald on record strategy, positive politeness strategy, negative politeness strategy and off record strategy.
3.6. Data Analysis
In data analysis, the researcher explains and categorizing the main character’s conversation into the part of politeness strategies based on Brown and Levinson theory. The next step is concluding the whole data analyzed to obtain the answer of research question.