Monday, January 14, 2013

Using Cue Cards to Teach Reading

This chapter presents an introduction to the study that is going to be carried out. The introduction will be centered on the discussion about background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, scope and limitation of the study, significance of the study, basic assumption, and definition of the key term.

1.1.  Background of the Study
Many developing countries recognize the importance of English as an international language. Having the function of first foreign language, in Indonesia, English is taught at schools, from elementary school to high schools as local content subject and university as a compulsory subject. Saukah (2003 :1) says
‘The function of English instruction in Indonesia used mainly to absorb science and technology in the content of globalization era and communicate with other countries in many aspects of international relation of human life. It is widely used throughout the world of business, science, culture and education, so on.”
An integrated curriculum is one of the characteristics of the nine-year curriculum promoted by the Ministry of Education in the past ten years. In fact, integrating English with other content subjects has been trendy in the West for years. Content-based ESL is a method that integrates ESL instruction with subject matter instruction. This language teaching approach aims not only to teach the language as a subject, but also to use the target language as a medium for learning academic subjects.
English has become a popular option of ESL or EFL instruction. This approach believe that a language can be learned effectively when it is the medium of instruction, rather than as just a subject. Based on this belief, the technique focuses not only on learning English, but also using English as a medium to learn mathematics, science, social studies, and other academic subjects.
Generally, English as second / foreign language (ESL/EFL) cover four skills, they are reading, listening, speaking and writing. Among those important skills, reading is defined as the ability to extract visual information from the page and comprehend the meaning of the context. 'Reading' is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols for the intention of constructing or deriving meaning (reading comprehension). It is the mastery of basic cognitive processes to the point where they are automatic analysis the meaning. (Hansen PC: 2010)
Reading is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information and ideas. Like all language, it is a complex interaction between the text and the reader which is shaped by the reader’s prior knowledge, experiences, attitude, and language community which is culturally and socially situated. The reading process requires continuous practices, development, and refinement. Besides it’s also to counter new ideas, fact, and experiences and more, as conducted by Barbara Abromitis (2009) Reading for information varies greatly from reading for pleasure, and students must approach the task with a different set of strategies in order to be successful.
In line with the statement above, reading also provide many important function, and effective sources. Harmer (1998:68) also said that many reason for getting students to read. They are helping the student know the models English writing, and provide opportunities to study vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, sentence construction, paragraphs and text. The importance of reading is not similar to the factual research finding. Mukminatien (2004) explained that after the students have studied English for the first six years in their elementary school, they do not have the ability to communicate in their next level (at SLTP and SMU) and their ability is far from the curriculum’s target. A key early reading skill is that of “reading for meaning” and prediction. As said by Kelly, Jane (2009) that the reading process involves making sense of print by gleaning meaning from various bits of information.
Middle school teachers who take the time to teach content area reading skills within the context of their subject areas help students become strategic learners now, in high school, and beyond.
Teaching English within appropriate media is an area of language teaching that many English teachers avoid, for instance cue card. While there are many textbooks and instruction manuals available in the classroom, it is recreating an accelerated version of the infant’s language learning experience. It’s also providing examples and stimulus through grammar and vocabulary lessons. The current approach to early year education encourages children to build their independence and autonomy, taking responsibility for choices and directing their own time. There is nothing worse than an eager child asking a practitioner to read him a story – only to be refused because it is the wrong time of day or the teacher is too busy. Not only is this frustrating for practitioners who would dearly love to oblige, but it also sends a damaging message to the child – that reading is somehow less important than other curricular activities.
Reading is an active process that can be improved significantly when the right strategies are used. That includes pre-reading, active reading, and active monitoring with reinforcing comprehension afterward. Teaching children to use those strategies can make a measurable difference in all of their educational achievement. Teaching those strategies has to be a core component of reading instruction.
A key early reading skill is that of “reading for meaning” and prediction. The reading process involves making sense of print by gleaning meaning from various bits of information, including the relationship between pictures and texts. Children need to learn to make informed guesses about what the print might say on the basis of what the story is about (the context) and what is likely to happen next.
Teachers are often battled with difficulties in delivering material due to lack of adequate expertise in usage of vocabularies.
Many teachers still struggle with vocabulary instruction that goes beyond word lists in every teaching class activity. Effective vocabulary instruction is particularly vital in the content areas; it’s often creating a barrier to understanding reading text easily. The key content-area teaching strategies are to help students understand the textbooks, tests, articles, and other informational reading texts by using a meaningful method as in cue card.
 Cue cards often make or break the presentations. The stages and tips for cue cards are highlighted the reading activity. It’s also one of learning material and the techniques to be used during learning activity. It has focused on an action exercise where the audience can involve and learn the preparation of cue cards. Cue cards were originally used to aid aging actors. One early use is known to have occurred by John Barrymore in the late 1930s, Barrymore began to lose his ability to remember his lines, and his diminished abilities were apparent in a surviving screen test that he made for an aborted film version of Hamlet in 1934. From then on, he insisted on reading his dialogue from cue cards (
Here are the examples of Cue cards.
In SET 1, the singular/ plural forms of nouns and articles are introduced using question sentences such as, "What does he want ?" and "What does she like ?" Following this, practice moves onto sentences with general verbs such as 'have ‘and ‘need’
In SET 2, we introduce 'this', 'that', 'these', 'those' and sentences containing question words, such as "What's under the bed?", “What is it?”

Teaching ESL students to use the clarifying cue card strategies when they come across difficult words will help them learn more new vocabulary on their own. The best way to develop a rich vocabulary is to read widely. Teachers can only teach about 300-500 words a year, while an average student learns about 3000 words per year (Baumann and Kameenui, 1991).An enormous amount of students’ vocabulary growth happens during independent reading.
Cue card strategies give an alternative of teaching English to avoid misinterpreted word’s meaning and boring situation. It helps the student to encounter what they should do in English beside read, write, speak, and listen. The difficult situation that being faced by many students of ESL is to understand the English words after they gathered together in a sentences. To understand the meaning easily without losing the meaning of each word independently.
The study of Cue card has been done by a researcher. Lilis Suryani (2010) from University of Pajajaran Bandung. She studied the use of cue cards in teaching spoken descriptive text. Cue cards were applied in the research to improve the students` speaking scores. The aims of the research were to improve the progress of the students in producing spoken descriptive text.
Considering the benefit of cue cards, the writer is interested in applying this technique to overcome some problems on the teaching and learning of reading at SMAN 3 PRAYA Central Lombok. Some teaching problems of reading in middle school students:
1.        The students do not understand the reading text and its meaning easily, in other word they had difficulties to comprehend the text
2.        The students usually lost their attention and always get bored with the teaching activity which is always reading an ordinary text on the book.
Based on the student needs and the class condition, the writer intends to find a solution to the problem in the teaching and learning of reading cue cards, the activities of teaching conducting in the classroom action research.
In order to enhance the above statements, the writer takes this writing entitled “Using Cue Card to Teach Reading for The Second Year Students at SMAN 3 PRAYA Central Lombok”.
1.2 Statement of the Problem 
Concerning to the statement above, the problems of the study is formulated as “How is cue cards technique used in teaching activity to improve the students’ ability of reading comprehension?”
1.3 Purpose of the Study
Based on the statement of the problem above, the purpose of the study is to describe the way the use cue cards technique to improve the student’s ability in English Reading comprehension. 

1.4  Scope and Limitation of the Study
Having reading achievement means that the students understand each topic of reading material at the cue cards, thus the study focuses only in using cue cards to teach the student SMAN 3 PRAYA Central Lombok, especially on reading skill and the activities will be conducted in two cycles of classroom action research.
1.5 Significance of the Study
This study is conducted through the classroom action research, thus the teacher can obtain a research base on the feedback for the better of her teaching and learning. This classroom action research focuses on reading implementation to improve the first year student’s achievement at SMAN 3 PRAYA Central Lombok. The writer expects that this research deliver a benefit to persons as follows:
a.       The Student
This study hopes bringing some advantages for the students to encourage their ability, comprehend a reading text easily and to improve the reading achievement.
b.      The teacher
The goal of this study is to increase the prophecy of teaching English in the skill area of reading through cue cards. Teacher does not only teach the language, but also provides kind of conducive situation   in teaching and learning process, ask the student to contribute their mind by making their own chosen cue cards.
c.    The Institution
It can be a reference and literature for all institution members and the next researcher, concerning with the material about cue cards and reading skill.

1.6 Basic Assumption
Before formulated the basic assumption it is necessary to understand what the basic assumption is. According to Surachman (in Arikunto, 2007: 24) that the basic assumption is a basic of thought which is truth and can be accepted by the research. Based on the explanation above, the basic assumption are:
1.      Commonly the students face some problems on  their reading ability
2.      The writer  applies the new technique of teaching using cue cards
3.      The reading ability implies through cue cards.
1.7 Definition of Key Term
            In order to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the word used in this study, the following definitions of the key term are explained:
1.      Reading is one of language skills that play an important role in people’s life. The action of a person who reads (Hornsby, 1995:968). Reading is an intensive process in which the eye quickly moves to assimilate text. Very little is actually seen accurately. It is necessary to understand visual perception and eye movement in order to understand the reading process.(
2.      Cue cards are clue cards and these will play a crucial role in future, also known as note cards or idiot cards, are cards with words written on them that help actors and speakers remember what they have to say ( Barney Mcnulty, 2008). In education cue cards is as a card to help the student to learn more about words, verb, or sentences and it has an easy function either to learn and remember.

This chapter discusses the research design, research setting subject of the study, and the research procedure. All the methods are described in the following details.
3.1. Research Design
                  The design of the research was CAR adapted the Kemmis and Taggart model (1992 in Arikunto 2002: 84). This Class Room Action Research is conducted to know the students ability in reading skill. Before conducting the research The model consists of Cycle 1 , Cycle 2 and Cycle N, where as the cycle N can be more cycle depend on the students result in the first cycle. The CAR has four steps named : planning, acting, observing, and reflecting which goes to some cycles depend on how many times the treatments are given to the students. The description of each step can be seen from the following figures:
1.      Planning : Preparation steps of the actions in which the problem is analyzed, making lesson plan, administering the instruments of CAR, research implementation, and other materials related to improvement action that is determined before.
2.      Acting : an activity or action that is done, a plan for improvement action, and procedure of the action that is conducted.
3.      Observing and evaluating : is an activity of observing teaching and learning process.
4.      Analyzing and reflecting : an explanation about result of teaching and learning process and preparing what is going to be done later.
The following diagram (figure 3.1) showed the procedure of class room action research as illustrated by Kemmis and Taggart (1992 in Arikunto 2002:84)
Classroom Action Research Procedoress


CYCLE 2                              


3.2. Research Setting and Subject.
                  The area determination method which is used in this research is purposive. Arikunto (1997:117) says that purposive sampling is done by determining subject which is not based on strata, random or area but based on the particular purpose.
                  This classroom action research was conducted at SMAN 3 PRAYA, Jl. Jendral Akhmad Yani No. 19 Telp (0341)364572 Central Lombok. This school has 6 classes and each class consist of 34 -35 student. There were two English teachers whose most of time spoke in English. Time allotment for English lesson in this school is 4 x 40 minutes a week (2 x 40 minutes for each meeting)
                  The researcher chose this school as the setting of her study based on the following reasons :
1.            SMAN 3 PRAYA is always open to new innovation in education progress.
2.            The English and non English teacher in the school are highly motivated in searching for new technique in the way of teaching.
3.            There was a problem in the teaching – learning English in certain classes due to the monotonous way of teaching.
4.            As one of English teacher, the researcher recomended that some inovation of teaching reading used Cue Cards is needed to help the students improve their English skills.
                  The result of the study is expected to be a great and successful research and useful for the development of teaching and learning process at SMAN 3 PRAYA, Jl. Jendral Akhmad yani No. 19 Telp (0341)364572 Central Lombok.
3.3. Research Procedures
                  Referring to the procedure of CAR, the researchers activities are following the four steps: preliminary study, planning, acting, observing, and reflecting The preliminary observation was conducted from October, 31th to November, 3rd 2011. It was done by making an observation to the classroom activites and interviewing the students and the English teacher as a partner. The data obtained  from this kind of observation were used as the basic consideration in planning the action to be applied.
The result of preliminary study is to describe the reason for conducting CAR complemeted with both quantitative and qualitative data.
3.3.1. Preliminary Study
The purpose of preliminary study is to gain some information about the effectiveness of strategy of teaching reading applied by the teachers. From this preliminary study, the researcher has collected a large amount of information of English of teaching in the classroom.
3.3.2 Planning
                  In relation to the application of the classroom action research. The research and the teacher made a preparation prior to the implementation of the action based in the result of the preliminary study, at this stage, both of them prepared a suitable model of cue card technique in teaching reading and narrative, designed a lesson plan, prepared instructional materials and media, prepared the instrument, prepared the criteria of success and prepared the formative test.      Preparing Teaching Strategy
In conducting this study, the researcher using media (cue cards) as technique or strategy of  teaching consider to facilitate the students reading activity.
Media was selected based on the English material book by TH. M. Sudarwati and Eudia Grace Look Ahead for SMAN class XI Erlangga Publiser and taken from internet.
               The media was made by the researcher that can facilitate the students to increase their reading activity in different themes of monologue text entitle : Tornados, King Lir, Alice in The Wonderland and A Boy and an Apple Tree
The researcher prepared lesson plan related to the material that was studied with in the cycles of the research. In the order to support the data collection, also designed the research instruments.      Designing The Lesson Plan
The researcher designed a lesson plan. It includes the following items : (a) specific instructional objectives, (b) intructional material and media. (c) teaching and learning activity and (d) evaluation. It was guideline for the teacher to conduct the teaching activity. It comprised some components, namely : lesson identity, basic competence, indicator, learning objective, procedure, instructional material media and evaluation.
The lesson plan was implemented by using three procedures : pre-activity, whilst-activity and past activity. The pre-activity covered greeting the students, checking the students attendance, explaining, classifying and giving the objectives of the lesson and asking some questions to brainstorm and lead them to topic. The whilst-activity phase is giving clear instruction on how to work in learn reading using cue card, asked the students to read narrative monolog text and giving explanation about cue cards and the examples. Last, in the post-reading activity, the teacher checked the students ability by making the simple cue cards the material and asking questions based on the given text.      Preparing Instructional Media And Materials
In doing the reserach, the researcher prepared instructional materials and media which were relevant the topic for the eleven grade students of senior high schools.
Both the material and media were taken from text books, magazines, newspaper or other available sourches and selected by the researcher. The media materials as used were cue cards related to the topic prepare by the researcher on the bases of inctructional objectives stated in lesson plan.
It is choosen under the following consideration : (1) it was in line with the theme, (2) it matched with the students level of proficiency. While the media used where (1) interesting, (2) varied, (3) in line with the theme, (4) supporting the teaching-learning activity.        The Instrument
         During the teaching and learning of cue cards, the researcher prepared the following instrument such as observation, interview, documentation (field notes, questionnaires) and reading test.
A.          Observation
In this class room action research, observation is needed to gain the supporting data. The class observation or monitoring is conducted by the researcher when teaching reading using cue cards. The first and second cycle are being conducted in this time. Observation is done in each cycle and contains the indicator observed in the first and second cycle. Arikunto (2001:204) notes that the most effective way in observation is using checklist as an instruments. A checklist contained some items of events that might appear in the classrooms. In this case, the researcher notes the students activity whether they are active or passive. The result of observation in the first cycle is used as the information to revise the lesson plans of the second cycle. Evaluations are carried out to know whether the use of picture could improve the students’ achievement.
B.           Interview
In this action research interview was also applied for collecting the supporting data about the techniques used by the researcher in teaching reading using cue cards in SMAN 3 PRAYA Central Lombok. Arikunto (2002:202) classifies interview into three categories, namely structured interview of this research was semi structured interview. It means that a list of questions were prepared and developed to get information needed. The interview was concluded with the English teacher and the second year students as the subject.
C.          Documentation
Arikunto (2002:206) states that documentation was a method in searching data about variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, news, magazines, and the like. In this research, documentation was used to get the supporting data about the names of the research subjects. It consists of field notes and questionnaires.
1.      Field Notes
      In this research, the researcher notes the students’ activity in asking question to the teacher, the students/activity in answering the teacher/s questions, the situation during the teaching learning activity by using cue cards, the reaction of the students to study trough cue cards. This is an observation guide to the success of the action.
2.      Questionnaires
The questionnaires were given to the students’ after the completion of size meeting. It consist of ten questions and made to find the students opinion about the students interest toward reading through cue cards technique, the students’ perception and attitude during the lesson. And also the teacher way of teaching, the difficulties in applying cue cards, the student’s participation, comprehension and opinion about learning English with and without cue cards.
D.    Reading Test
According to Arikunto (2002:198), test could be used to measure the basic ability and achievement. Hughes (1996:9) states that these are four types of test namely: proficiency test, achievement test, and placement test in this research, achievement test was intended to know the students’ reading achievement. After they were given the action in two cycles, which was teaching reading using cue cards.
Arikunto (2002:144) also said that test must be valid and reliable and divided into two kinds based on the person who makes it. The standardized into objective test and subjective test. In this action research the reading test is containing of cue cards used to measure the student’s reading achievement. The Criteria of Success
            The criteria are set up in order to judge whether the implementation of the action is being effective or not (Mc. Niffet al, 1996:32). Therefore, the criteria are used to reading succeeded or failed. It was done to decide whether another cycle of action is needed. The target of CAR are to measure the success of the CAR : (1) the teaching- learning process in conducted cue cards plan, (2) the teacher performance in implementing the reading activity trough cue cards, (3) the students’ behavior during the teaching-learning process, (4) the students’ score in doing the examination. And (5) The  students improvement of reading text using cue cards.
Figure The Implementation of teaching and learning of reading through cue cards.
Teaching and Learning
Gearing Students to the topic
1.  Opening the Lesson
2.  Stimulating Student’s

1.      Telling the student objective of the meeting.
2.      Gaining students’ prior knowledge by brainstorming or predicting.
3.      Showing the cue cards with one theme.
4.      Classifying the information.

Improving the student reading skill by using cue cards

1.     Giving time for
The students to comprehend the cue cards according to the reading text

2. Asking them to transforming what they understand about cue cards
3. giving the further explanation of cue cards
1. Asking the students to read the narrative / monolog text.
2. Asking them to content cue cards and what it used to be.
3. Asking the student whether they understand the cue cards.

Checking the students achievement of remembering the reading text.
1.     Discussing the cue cards with the students.
2.      Checking their attendant
3.      Memorize of each model of cue cards

1.Asking the students to answer the question orally.
2.Asking them whether they understand the meaning of each cue card

3.3.2   Implementation.
In conducting the study, the research was implemented in the classroom during school hours. It was done for about a month. The action was done in two cycles. In each cycle there were four meeting and covers two themes of reading text convey cue cards. The action was considered successful if at least 70% of students get a good category of reading test (70-80). The second cycle was conducted because the first cycle had not achieved the objective of the research or as distinct action. The action of second cycle were also planned twice (each section considered of two meetings, thus the total meeting is four. The researcher strengthening this cycle with the different theme the implementation of the technique is in the following stage of performance. The Implementation of the action was done in two cycles. Each cycle was done into four meetings. The time and schedule of the implementation of this classroom action research are represented in figure 3.3.1









Last Meeting
October 31th – November 3rd 2011

November ,4th  2011

November, 11st 2011

November, 18th 2011

November, 25th 2011
Monolog text from Text book.

King Lir

Alice In Wonderland

A Boy And An Apple Three


Pre,-Whilst,-post activity
Pre,-Whilst,-Post activity
Pre,-Whilst,-Post activity

Pre,-Whilst,-Post activity

3.3.3   Observation and Evaluation.
In this classroom action research, the function of observation was to observe the activities when the action was being by the researcher in the classroom. In other words, observation was done to see the student’s activities while the teaching of reading through cue cards was done. The researcher used checklist to observe the students’ activities in the teaching learning process through cue cards in each cycle. There were three indicators of evaluation during observation.
1.      The Student’s activities in asking questions to the teacher.
2.      The Student’s activities in answering the teacher’s questions.
3.      The student’s correctness in doing the test given.
If the students fulfill at least two indicators, it means they are active on the teaching learning process.
3.3.4   Analysis.
1.      Analysis.
           The collected data was analyzed based on the form of data. The primary data in this research that were obtained from the students’ cue cards test in the first and second cycle will be analyzed quantitatively to find whether the students’ reading achievement increase or not, it using the formula  of the mean score:
E = n / N x 100%                     
E = The Percentage of the students’ reading achievement of each   indicator.
n = The reading scores of each indicator obtained by students.
N= The total number of test items of each indicator.
                            (Adapted from Ali, 1998:86).
               Then, the results of the data analysis were classified based on the following score level;
v  Score         81                100      = Excellence
v  Score         70                 80        = Good.
v  Score         60                 69        = Fair.
v  Score         26        -           59        = Poor.
v  Score         0          -           25        = Failed.
It was expected that the lesson plan reached the score of 75 or in the category of good.