Monday, January 14, 2013

How the Improved Student about Story Telling


1.1.Background of the Study
Kindergarten education is done with a 'play while learning and learn while playing with the intention of causing excitement in children. Play as a form of learning that is done with respect to theories of child development. The element of play that is done in the study, in trying gradually be reduced so that the children are more focused on learning.
Program activities in the kindergarten program carried out with the aim to help the foundation toward the development of attitudes, knowledge, skills and creativity will be undertaken by children in adjusting to their environment. Aspects of early childhood development is very broad and it can be achieved by doing learning activities speak with storytelling methods. Method of storytelling is one gift a learning experience for children that are transmitted orally, so the children can also practice speaking properly and smoothly.
The program is based on the learning of children and 27 years of Indonesian rule 1990 on pre-school learning activities (2003:21):
1)      Program teaching and learning activities in kindergarten in the context of the formation of habituation behavior through day-to-day that includes the development of religion, Pancasila morals, discipline, emotions and social skills.
2)      this program in order to develop basic skills through activities prepared by the teacher in religious education includes the development, fakir speaking power, creativity, and physical skills.
Learning at Tk was developed based on the theory that using strategies and procedures that learning methods. The learning method is a method that can be adjusted to age prematurely. Thus, not all methods can be done in learning in kindergarten.
The method is a method of storytelling, conversation, asked questions, gave poetry, dramatization and much more. From a variety of methods mentioned above, the method used is the method of storytelling. Storytelling is a story told anything about the act or incident and conveyed orally with the aim of sharing experiences and knowledge. Thus learning with storytelling methods in the context of the communication can be considered as an attempt to influence others, but to education in Tk, this method can be said as an effort to develop the potential abilities of children with hearing and reiterated the purpose of child skills training in speech to convey ideas in oral form.
Aspects of child development in Tk, very wide and it can be achieved with a variety of approaches, one of which is to carry out the activities of storytelling as storytelling method implementations. Method of storytelling is one of giving a learning experience for children through stories conveyed orally (Moeslichatun, 1997: 157).
1.2.Scope of the Study
The scope of this research include learning strategies to talk to a particular method. Storytelling activities can be done at the time of speaking, listening, reading and writing. Fourth aspect can realize through storytelling, while the activities of storytelling, students asked to recount an event in its own natural've done orally and at confront his friends.
1.3.Statement of the Problem
Based on the restrictions above problem, the problem formulated in this study as follows:
1)      how increasing the ability to speak with the method of telling the students in group B Kindergarten Nurul Huda Praya Lombok Tengah in the academic year 2005/2006?
1.4.Objectives of the Study
The research objective was to determine the increase in the ability to talk through the method of storytelling.
1.5. Assumptions
In order for this research to have a strong foundation for the problem to be investigated and the variables that reinforce the center of attention and have a clear direction then in need of a number of assumptions as follows:
1)      The ability to speak with the method of storytelling has taught extensively in Kindergarten Nurul Huda especially in group B
2)      To improve the ability to speak with the method of storytelling in Kindergarten Nurul Huda, especially in the B-class teacher-led group B
3)      Improving the ability to speak with story-telling method of kindergarten students Nurul Huda've got a good way of talking, true and smooth.
1.6.Benefits of the Study
1)      The benefits of the study increases the ability to speak with the method of storytelling in Kindergarten Nurul Huda Praya especially in group B expect:
a.  In order to be a reference for the future better and managed with appropriate methods.
b.  Method of storytelling is very beneficial for children kindergarten age especially in learning to talk.
c.  By using learning strategies methods of storytelling talk to help students to train memory, thought, and the courage to train and nurture the imagination of students in kindergarten age.
2)      The benefits of learning to speak a practical research method Nurul Huda told in kindergarten, especially in the B group and guided by the teacher in the classroom expect:
a)      Against educational study program in kindergarten Nurul Huda speaking, this research is expected to contribute scientific talk about the realities of teaching in Central Lombok district.
b)      for researchers, this study can be used as a means to enhance the ability of the profession as a teacher especially in facilitating the problems of teaching and learning.
1.7. Defination of the Key Terms   
In this study need to explain the terms used, this is intended to gain a common understanding and to avoid misunderstanding and understand the terms in the mean as follows:
1)      Speaking is the ability to utter articulate sounds or words to express, express, and convey thoughts, ideas and feelings.
2)      Learning material is conveyed to the student teacher in order to obtain the skills (Department of Education; 1988: 2).
3)      Methods are ways that teachers do in teaching and learning activities in order to achieve the goals that have been set (Department of Education; 1988: 7-18)
4)      Method of storytelling is an effort to influence others through speech and narrative about something (an idea).
3.1 Research Design
This research is a classroom action research (CAR). CAR is action research or sedirng called with class room action reseach in English, which is the research done by the teacher in the classroom or in the school where teaching, with an emphasis on the learning process. In CAR, teachers can do your own research on learning in the classroom or working collaboratively with teachers and other researchers.
In practice (Susilo, 2009; 10) CAR is meaningful action through the research procedure includes four steps:
1)              Formulate the problem and plan of action (planning)
2)              Implement the action (acting)
3)              Observation (observing)
4)              Reflecting (the observations)
Action research is carried on two cycles, but if the first cycle is successful then the second cycle does not need to do.
In the initial study phase, the researchers conducted observations of the process of improving the ability to speak in class, so it is found strengths and weaknesses. From the observation is then found some things related to the upgrading of speaking through storytelling methods are:
1)      Part of the child was so g is not involved in speech
2)      Children stand at one point, looking around the room with random movements that have no purpose.
3)      Children speak but not the theme but his interest in the other.
4)      With the ability to be knew the beginning, researchers were able to observe the development of student learning outcomes in the alternative actions that can be done to address the issues that determined the form of utilizing problem solving metdoe storytelling.
3.2. Population and Sample of the Research
1)      Activities with the opening prayer
2)      On classroom management, 25 students divided into 5 groups.
3)      One teacher explained how to speak / talk and other teachers as observers and assist the students in learning.
4)      It turns children given a chance to talk with her own experience
5)      At the end of the activity, the teacher gives the evaluation of the method of administration tasks and questioning on children's activity sheets.
6)      Any child who does this activity is given in the form of an award of an interesting paper drawings.
3.3.Research Instrument
           According to Arikunto ( 2006:149 ), instrument is the tool which is used by the researcher in using strategy. Instrument can measure characteristic such as intelligence, personality, motivation, attitudes, interest and soon. In the research, the researcher used the test as the instrument. A test is a set of stimuli presented to an individual in order to elicit response on the basis of which a numerical score can be assigned. In this research used and achievement test. The students will come forward in a group to practice the dialogue they have listened in the audio visual before.
3.3.1    Observing
           The observation will do during teaching and learning process by using observation form. It observes students activities in the classroom while they are following the teaching and learning process. This technique is meant to find out the effectiveness of new technique is being applied, researcher also take notes. The notes are elaborated as comments to the student activity. In order to collect accurate data and get reliable result, the researcher prepared the instrument for the data collection.
3.3.2    Test
           The aim of English language teaching in Indonesia is to equip the student with working knowledge of English ( Nurgiantore, 2009:290 ). In accordance with the statement above, the purpose of testing in this study is to measure the progress of students listening ability and also to establish how successful individual students or group of students have been in achieving the objective. The students performance covers some components of ability such as listening, pronunciation, grammar, fluency and content.
3.3.3    Field Notes
           This instrument contained the record of the fact related to the implementation of audio visual media during the teaching and learning activities that was made by the researcher as the practitioner teacher. The instrument was utilized as a means of recording facts, which cannot be put in the observation form. Besides, the information obtained from the instrument will used for both checking the accomplishment of the selected criteria and identifying certain aspect or elements audio visual media in listening that need to be revised in the next plan.
3.4. The Techniques of Data Collection
1)      direct observations used to observe the child at the time of learning activities with storytelling methods.
2)      Documentation through drawing activities children use to determine child's increased capacity through the development of basic speaking skills. The results reflect the first cycle material improvements made in the second cycle.
3.5. The Technique of Date Analyzing
Activity data analysis using the guidelines that increase the ability to speak is indicated as follows:
1)      Conducting teaching and learning activities using the media to talk through the method of storytelling, the teacher showed interest through active and creative attitude.
2)      Children are able to find their own (implirit) simple concepts and indicators of learning outcomes speak.
3)      Children are capable of learning to speak through listening actively to develop the power of narrative ability / intelligence pre-school children.
3.6 Result Analysis
1)      An increase in the ability to speak, by the method according to the story told teachers. Before learning to talk through the method of storytelling, children speak less fluently, in the absence of anything that is told but after the learning speaking through storytelling method, fluently speaking children because they want to speak something after they saw pictures or things that around him. All that we can know through Cycle 1: 32% complete and 68% incomplete. Through the second cycle: 80% complete and 20% incomplete.
2)      active learning, creative, interesting and fun (joyful learnig) through the implementation of creative, teachers who excel in order to stimulate the child to develop the ability to speak in the development of basic skills to talk with indicators and learning outcomes are diverse and integrated.