to Avoid Boredom in Studying
Actually boredom became something scared
to every person who studied about some things. Usually boredom came out after
we studied for long time especially for students in many schools and colleges.
We got frustrate and prefer watched television or played games.
Nowadays people have some methods to avoid boredom in
studying. Here are the methods. First, before we begin to study better if we
listen to classic music for relaxation so we will feel relax and doesn’t panic.
Then after we listen to it, read the lessons or do the homework slowly and
enjoy it.
After that if we still bored when studying, we shall try
to make situation or condition more interesting such as we can watch movies or
films before studying. But remember, don’t spend much time to watch these films
because we can feel sleepy and forget to study.
Third, to avoid boredom when we study is ask our friends
to accompany and study together. Because with study together we can enjoy the
study and more enjoy even though the lessons are difficult. But sometime there
are many persons who doesn’t like noisy. They more like quiet situations so
they feel relax and concentration. Noisy just make them angry and feel bored.
Finally to avoid boredom when studying is prepare our
physic and health before studying like take a rest for moment and refresh our
mind with wash our face or drink some fresh water.