Saturday, April 26, 2014

Approval Sheet


This is to certify that the Sarjana’s thesis of Muh Zaedun has been approved by the thesis advisor for further approval by the board of examiners.

Malang, April 25th  2014

Drs. Mukarrom, M.Hum.

Acknowledged by                                                      Approved by
Head, English Education Department                                    Dean, Social Science and
                                                                                    Humanity Education Faculty,

Adi, M.Pd                                                                   Dra. Titik Purwati, MM                             



This is to certify that the Sarjana’s thesis of Muh Zaedun has been approved by the board of examiners as the requirement for the Sarjana degree in English Language Education

Malang, April 25th  2014
Examiner I,

Marzuki, S.Pd,.M.pd

Examiner II,

Drs. Mukarrom, M. Hum

Acknowledged by                                                      Approved by
Head, English Education Department                                    Dean, Social Science and
                                                                                    Humanity Education Faculty

Adi, M.Pd                                                                  Dra. Titik Purwati, MM

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Praise and great gratitude to Almighty God submitted by the author to the Allah SWT My Savior for blessings and help to complete this thesis on time.
This thesis is arranged to fulfill the requirements for obtaining bachelor's degree, in English Education Study Program, faculty of social science and humanity education Budi Utomo Malang.
On this occasion with great humility, I would like to thank you to all of those who have given me help and guidance so that this thesis can be finished. Completion of writing of this thesis, the author would like to thank to:
1.     Dr. H. Nurcholis Sunuyeko, M.Si. as the Rector of Institute of teacher Training and Education Budi Utomo Malang .
2.     Dra. Titik Purwati, M.M as the Dean of faculty of social science and humanity education.
3.     Adi, S.Pd,..M.Pd as the Head of English Education Department.
4.     My best gratitude to Drs. Mukarrom, M.Hum  as my supervisor in completing this thesis through the guidance and direction as well as the encouragement that are very useful and helpful for the preparation and writing of this thesis.
5.     All lecturers in faculty of social science and humanity education, especially in English Education Study Program, thanks for the teaching during this time.
6.     Thanks to the principal Najmah, M.Pd as the headmaster in MTs Nahdlatul Ulama’ Malang and also Mr. Abdl Rockhim, S.Pd as the English teacher in my research, and all the teachers especially all English teachers as well as the students in MTs Nahdlatul Ulama’ Malang, especially in 7rd Social Science Grade 14th, the school where the author did the research.
7.     The biggest thanks especially to my lovely mom Sumaini, S.Pdi as the best mom ever in this world and my lovely dad Anwar, S,Ag,.M.Ag who always pray, encouraging, giving love and compassion, giving material I need, working hard, always trying to do the best, to accompany me the day by day, support me all the time and given a smile and happiness in my life. I love them just the way they are so that I can finish my lecture although with the teardrop but with advice from the most important people in my life. I can survive and spirit to face everything until today just because of them.
8.     My sister Wirianik, S.PdI and Liwak Anah, S.Pd thanks to always support and company me whenever I need her. My brothers Drs. Muh, Ainun, Sh,.M.Pd, Abdul Ra’if, S.PdI, Ridwan, M.M and Rusdan, S.Pd, great thanks to them for their support through giving me spirit and material also. Do not forget also to my great and lovely my sister Lidya Qona’ah and grandmother who always support me and always give me advices that I really need, also thanks to my uncle Sukran,  my aunty Mariatun, my nephews, my neighbors for their support until I can finished my college as well all my families from father and mother and all the preceding families thank you for everything you have given me.
9.     Thanks so my greatest as well as close friends M. Zaini,S.Kep, M. Rudi, St, Dedi Lazwardi,S.Pd,. Baharudin, S.Pd,. Muhammad Abul Wali, S.Pd, and Bastiar, S.Pd who always accompany and gather with me always together in any conditions for four years since we are in the first semester. Also to my oldest, childhood best friend ever Bawon Sutrisna,S.Pd thanks for the support and always be with me, they are all really mean in my life.
10.  I say thanks to all of my faith friends in BEM (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa IKIP Budi Utomo Malang), for always pray for me so I can finished this well. I cannot mention them one by one here but I always remember and pray for them for all those who support and pray for me. I do not forget also to say great thanks to my faith family in my hometown or in Lombok Tengah for always support and pray in other I can finish my thesis, my college well as well as get the good value. Thanks for all. Allah SWT loves us.
11.  Wonderful thank for all my greatest friends in class B - Regular 2010 English Education that I can not mention their names one by one as well as the junior and senior in English Education and also A-Regular 2010.
Final words, the author say thank you so much indeed for all for those who I cannot mentions the names. Hopefully this thesis can be useful for us and become the input for the parties in need.

                                                                                            Malang, April 25th 2014

                                                                                                        Muh Zaedun
                                                                                       NPM 2101000320044

 Muh Zaedun           Using Enriching Student’s Vocabulary Mastery by Implementing Peer Mediated Instruction and Intervention Type Class Wide Peer Tutoring at the first grade of MTs Nahdlatul Ulama’ Malang. Thesis, English Department Faculty Social Science and Humanity Institute of Teacher and Education Budi Utomo Malang, Advisor Drs. Mukarrom, M.Hum.

Key words: Implementation, Class Wide Peer Tutoring, Vocabulary Comprehension.

            This study attempts to investigate how the students get vocabulary ability progress using Class Wide Peer Tutoring  Strategy.
            The design of this research is Classroom Action Research. The subject of this study is the first grade students of MTs Nahdlatul Ulama’ Malang. The instruments of the study are observation and test.
            Based on the observation at the early time of the first grade students at MTs Nahdlatul Ulama’ Malang, they tend to be passive in English learning. It is because the strategy used did not attract students. In addition, it uses more on lecture and demonstration so the teacher plays actively in learning. Therefore, renewal should be conducted in terms of teaching model. The one which is appropriate is class wide peer tutoring strategy emphasizing that students’ learning should be started by knowledge, experience, and then related to real concept. This study aims at the describing the using of class wide peer tutoring srategy for the first grade students of MTs Nahdlatul Ulama’ Malang.
            This study is conducted on January 06th  to February 06nd, in four meetings; three meeting gave treatment and using through class wide peer tutoring  strategy and the last meeting is used for testing students.
            The using of the actions is done in 1 cycle only. After the action in the first cycle finish, the students is given a test and the teacher record the score in the first cycle, then the teacher compares the result of in the preliminary study and the first cycle after getting treatment, whether the next cycles are needed or not.
            The result of this study revealed that cycle II reached the criteria of success. It is shown by result reached by students. The amount result cycle I is 1.705 (25, 9%).  While in the cycle II is 2.090 or (81, 5 %). It means that there is significant difference in grade of vocabulary test achieved by the students after they have been taught using class wide peer tutoring  strategy for the first grade students of MTs Nahdlatul Ulama’ Malang.
In line with the result, the writer suggests that the class wide peer tutoring strategy is one of the effective method as to increase students’ comprehension in learning English. This result hopefully would motivate teachers to use the class wide peer tutoring  strategy in their classroom, especially when teaching English vocabulary to the first grade students of MTs Nahdlatul Ulama’ Malang.


Title Page
COVER.........................................................................................................       i
APPROVAL SHEET....................................................................................       ii
APPROVAL SHEET....................................................................................       ii
MOTTO.........................................................................................................       iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT............................................................................       iv
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................       vi
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................       vii
LIST OF APENDIX.....................................................................................       x
LIST OF TABLE..........................................................................................       xi
LIST OF FICTURE......................................................................................       xii
1.1. Background of the Study...............................................       1
1.2. Research Problem...........................................................       6
1.3. Objectives of the Study .................................................       6
1.4. Significance of the Study...............................................       6
1.5. Scope of the Study.........................................................       7
1.6. Definition of Key Terms.................................................       7
2.1. Teaching English in MTs Nahdlatul Ulama’ Malang........       9
2.2. Vocabulary......................................................................       9
2.2.1Definition of Vocabulary.......................................       9
2.2.2 Why Study Vocabulary.........................................       12
2.3. The Mastery of English Vocabulary................................       13
2.3.1 Kinds of English vocabulary.................................       14
2.4. The Strategy of Cooperative Learning.............................       17
2.4.1 Understanding Cooperative Learning...................       17
2.4.2 Characteristic of Cooperative Learning................       18
2.4.3 Advantages of Cooperative learning Strategies ...       19
2.4.4 Limitation of Cooperative Learning Strategies.....       20
2.5. Peer mediate Instruction and Intervention as a method of
Teaching English  ...........................................................       21
2.6. Definition of Peer mediate Instruction and Intervention..       22
2.7. Steps of PMII in Learning Strategies CWPT.....................       22
2.8. Advantage of learning Strategy PMII type CWPT............       23
2.9. The Weakness of Instructional Strategies PMII type CWPT          24
2.10. Identifying Components/Features..................................       24
2.11. Effectiveness of PMII....................................................       24
2.12. Class Wide Peer Tutoring.............................................       26
2.13. Effects on Tutors and Tutees........................................       26
3.1. Design of study..............................................................       28
3.2. Setting of the Study.......................................................       29
3.3. Subject of Study ............................................................       29
3.4. Schedule of Research.....................................................       29
3.5. Procedure of Study.........................................................       30
3.6 Preliminary Study............................................................       30 
3.7 Planning of Action...........................................................       31
3.7.1 Designing Lesson Plan............................................       32
3.7.2 Preparing Instructional Materials............................       32
3.7.3 Preparing the Instruments.......................................       33
3.7.4 Observation.............................................................       35
3.7.5 Reflection...............................................................       36    
3.8 Data Analysis...................................................................       37
3.9 The Criteria of Success....................................................       38
3.10 Steps PMII type of Learning Strategies CWPT............       39
3.11 Implementation of the Action.......................................       39 
4.1. Research Findings...........................................................       41
4.1.1. Early Observation finding....................................       41
4.1.2. Cycle I..................................................................       42
4.1.3 Cycle II.................................................................       50
5.1. Conclusion......................................................................       59
5.2. Suggestions.....................................................................       60


Title Page                                                                                                                      
Appendix 1a Lesson Plan Teaching-learning Activity I................................       60
Appendix 1b Lesson Plan Teaching-learning Activity II..............................       63
Appendix 1c Lesson Plan Teaching-learning Activity III.............................       66
Appendix 2a Questionnaire...........................................................................       69
Appendix 2b The Result of Questionnaire....................................................       70
Appendix 3 Observation Sheet for the Teacher............................................       72
Appendix 4 Observation Sheet for the Students ..........................................       77
Appendix 5a Teaching-Learning I.................................................................       79
Appendix 5b Teaching-Learning II...............................................................       80
Appendix 5c Teaching-Learning III..............................................................       81
Appendix 5d Test..........................................................................................       82
Appendix 6 Criteria of Success ....................................................................       87
Appendix 7 ...................................................................................................       89
Appendix 8 ...................................................................................................              


Title Page
Table 3.1 Schedule of the research................................................................       29
Table 3.2 The Classification of Improvement Students’ Vocabulary Comprehension by Class Wide Peer Tutoring.......................................................................................................       38
Table 4.1 The Students Vocabulary’s Scores in Cycle I................................       47
Table 4.2 The Students Vocabulary’s Scores in Cycle II..............................       53
Table 4.3 The Students’ Vocabulary’s Preliminary Score in Cycle I and
Cycle II.........................................................................................       58


Title Page                                                                                                   
Ficture ...........................................................................................................
