1. Teaching
English is about speaking EXCELLENT English!
a teacher converses good English, it is an indication that the teachers have
EXCELLENT command of English and students tend to be impressed by it. If we
notice that we make mistakes when speaking, ignore it and try not to repeat the
same mistakes again. If teacher does not speak EXCELLENT English, do not be
shocked if the students say,
could I learn English from somebody who is not good at the language itself”?
a reminder to me and all the English teachers; make an effort to improve
yourself because WE ARE ENGLISH TEACHERS!
2. Teaching
English is about being FRANK with our students!
is definitely not wrong if we confess something that we do not know to our
students. Perhaps, we could learn something from them. For instance, if our
student encounters a new vocabulary when he or she is reading and he or she
asks us about it and we have never heard about the word, without doubt it is
not wrong at all if we say like this,
sorry I’m afraid I can’t help you with the meaning. Why don’t we look up the
dictionary and share this remarkable word with the whole class? I’ve learned a
new word today. Thank you for asking.”
believe the student will feel appreciated and he or she will think that he or
she has done a good deed to his or her classmates! By the way, SHARING IS
3. Teaching
English is about RESPECTING each other!
we want people to respect us, we should respect them first. Respecting each
other is significant because if we do not have this superb value in our class,
I believe our class will be disastrous and we do not feel HAPPY teaching!
4. Teaching
English is about giving GOOD impression to the students!
nice clothes and put on some make up are a must for English teachers. We are
telling our students that ENGLISH IS FUN but if we do not portray ‘FUN’
appearance to students, they will absolutely feel NO FUN! We do not have to buy
expensive baju kurung or kebaya or wearing expensive jewellery to impress our
students; it is enough actually if we look NICE and smell NICE!
5. Teaching
English is about being a DRAMA QUEEN!
a drama queen is important as a teacher because do not be surprised if your act
would be able to make your students smile. For instance, if a student complains
to you on something and actually you do not even care about it as you think the
problem is a petty matter; you should show your concern and sympathy. I
positively believe the student will feel appreciated and he or she would think
that you really do care about him or her. Bear in mind that WE ARE ACTORS AND
6. Teaching
English is about acting CRAZY!
When you come out
with a CRAZY and COOL lesson plan and you expect your students to be CRAZY and
COOL; you should also act CRAZY and COOL to make your class lively and dynamic!
If our lesson is CRAZY and COOL but we act DULL and MONOTONOUS, I don’t think
our class would be lively and dynamic. So, ACT CRAZY and MAKE YOUR CLASS